New Technology at Results for Deeper Results

I just got back from training on a new machine.  I’m excited to get to work with it in my practice.  I already do a great job of firming the skin.  What would happen if I could lift and firm the muscles first?

Let’s look at the jawline, for example.  Everyone’s jawline sags eventually.  Some see this sooner and some see it happen later in life.  We all wind up with some degree of jowls at some point in time.

What if I could firm and lift those muscles before I firmed and toned the skin?


I’m going to practice my new mad skillz on some devoted and well established Clients.  Then I will set myself loose on the world!  Well, on PA, for sure.

A jaw line lifted at two depths.  Ground breaking treatments at Results.

New Technology at Results for Deeper Results
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