Tighten the Mummy Tummy

I’ve been using Exilis RF, for fat reduction on the body, for over eight years.  Did you know that Exilis can do more than that?

Exilis RF is proven by Health Canada and the FDA to reduce body fat.  It’s also proven to tighten skin.

For as long as I have been doing treatments to reduce a chubby tummy, I’ve also been doing treatments to tighten the Mummy Tummy.

What is the Mummy Tummy?  It’s a term that I’ve adopted from my Clients.

Several of them, over the years, have referenced their tummies in this way.  It’s a stretched out tummy; a tummy stretched out from babies.

This tummy hangs a bit.  There are stretch marks.  The skin looks dimpled or rippled and no amount of sit ups or crunches can bring it back into line.  No amount of dieting or weight loss flattens or firms it.

You see, the problem isn’t under the skin, in the fat cells.  The problem is the skin itself.

I love Mummy Tummies.  I really do.  I see such a difference, from treatment to treatment.  It’s rewarding to see with my own eyes.  It’s rewarding to see happy smiles and relief spread over my Client’s face as she starts to see the difference herself.

This same treatment can be used for tummies that are stretched out after major weight loss.  In fact, I encourage you to do treatments as you lose, to reduce this weight loss effect on the appearance of your stomach.

Cherise owns Results where she loves helping people feel better about their appearance and themselves.  Get in touch at 953 1986 or join Results Prince Albert on Facebook.

Tighten the Mummy Tummy
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