Depression and Skincare

Stressful times can take their toll – not just on our feelings but on our faces. Stressful events and circumstances can result in forms anger, fear or sadness. All of these can be signs of depression.

Depression makes life harder. We have less energy. Less capacity. We procrastinate more. We’re less active but not just physically. We’re less engaged in our family and friendship relationships. We have less tolerance for the time it takes to cook good food, take our vitamins, clean the house.

Depression affects our skin. We might fall into bed with our makeup still on. More than not cleansing our faces, we might procrastinate with all of our skincare products.

Depresssion doesn’t just affect what we put on or don’t put on our skin. It affects what we put in or don’t put in our bodies. Nutrition is a key component of healthy, youthful skin. When we’re depressed, we might not hydrate adequately. We might drink too much alcohol. We might skip the salad and fill up on chips and chocolate. We will probably forget about our vitamins. Skin suffers with poor diet amd a deficit of nutrients.

Exercise has a proven positve effect on skin’s appearance and health. With depression, we’ll more likely opt for the couch or the bed rather than the gym or the great outdoors where we get fresh air and sunlight to invigorate our mood and refresh skin.

There’s a lot going on for people right now. The rates of mental illnesses like depression have become much more prevalent. Seek out support. Whether from your family, a professional or from like minded people in online forums, find support for your depression to get the feelings benefits. As a nice side effect, your skin will benefit. As well as feeling better, you will look better. When you care for depression, you care for your skin.

Depression and Skincare
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