Fall Cold Laser Microderm

Fall Tune Up & Check In for Beautiful Skin

Once you have the Kidlets nicely settled into the school routine and extracurricular routine, take a breath.
Then take a minute to think about your beautiful face. 
Were you a little tough on it over the past few months? 
Maybe slept in your makeup from time to time? 
Maybe imbibed a few more libations than usual? 
A few more hot dogs? Chips? 
Or – like me – lots more ice cream?
I feel you.

Summer is short in this part of the world. Best we make good use of it.
Fall is a great time to do a skin check in and tune up for that beautiful face of yours.

Nothing better than the magical combination of Cosmetic grade Cold Laser and Dustless Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion.
Cold Laser, also known as Low Level Laser, is proven to reduce sun damage, stimulate collagen production, heal, and reduce inflammation.
A little more red in the face, a titch more break out, a few more fine lines – this will help.

Microderm buffs and polishes while it vacuums out pores for a deep cleaning. 
A little more uneven skin tone or pores looking larger – this will help.

Looking forward to catching up with you and your beautiful face!

~ Cherise

Fall Cold Laser Microderm
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