Author : Dawn

I Love These Celebrity Beauty Secrets

Sometimes celebrity women do some weird things to their faces and I feel sad.  I think of Daryl Hannah.  Once the A List “It” break out star from the movie Splash, with Tom Hanks, she blew our minds with her natural perfection.  Now, she looks – how do I say this politely?  Altered.  And not […]

Help for Adult or Teenaged Acne Before Grad

Less than two months until Grad festivities.  I know you’re working on the clothes and shoes.  Have you thought about skin? If you , your Grad or someone else who is part of the Grad’s entourage is feeling insecure about mild to moderate acne, this is the time to book in for treatment.  Let’s get […]

Easter and Skin Connection

I love Easter.  Of course I do; I’m part Ukrainian!  Part of Easter means I get to eat terrific, traditional Easter breads, just like my Baba used to make.  Let’s talk about some Easter treats and how they impact skin. Easter eggs.  I painted Easter eggs as a kid.  I hated it!  Man, was I […]

Pulll Out Your Sunscreen

Spring has sprung.  Shorts and sandal season is just around the corner.  If you’ve passed on the sunscreen through the winter months, I can’t say I blame you.  I don’t spend much time outdoors in the winter.  When I do, it’s running from car to house or car to work and not much else.  Being […]

Fix Skin Freak Out Post Halloween.

Whether it was the hideous Halloween makeup, the late nights on the weekend or the half a pound of candy you ate, your skin might look a little worse for wear. Here are some quick tips to fix skin freak out. Don’t rub and scrub the hell out of your skin. You can’t whip skin […]

Chest Sun Burn Today: Old Leather Tomorrow

Dear Cindy, I admit, I have mixed feelings about the sun burned chest photo you sent me. I’m glad you reached out to me and asked me how to correct it. I’m resisting the urge to give you heck for getting so charred in the first place. Let’s talk about the fixing first. Since your […]

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