Author : Dawn

Cold Laser Microderm for Fall

Cold Laser Microderm for Fall Two treatments in one to undo Summer sun. Diamond Peel dustless Microdermabrasion followed by Cosmetic grade Cold Laser.The Microderm works on the skin like a vacuum cleaner combined with a facial grade sandpaper.It’s a deep cleaning and polishing so skin is softer, smoother.Fine lines are buffed out and reduced.Pigment and […]

Tightening Neck

Tightening Neck Summer can be tough on skin. The neck often shows sun damage. Sun damage can show up as skin looking more saggy or loose.If the neck is not looking as firm and there are signs of skin laxity, we can turn that around with Exilis.This is Health Canada proven and FDA proven skin […]

Super Effective Skincare Ingredient

Super Important Skincare Ingredient We all want our skin to look as good as it can. What we use for skincare can be totally ineffective or it can give us a visible difference.Things to take into consideration:1. the cosmetic ingredient, what it does, what skin concerns or skin type it benefits.2. the quality of the […]

Serums for Summer Squinting

Serums for Summer Squinting Great weather we’re having. Bright and sunny. If you’re starting to look squinty, one of these serums can help. With an ingredient proven to reduce the look of smile lines around the eyes or frwon lines in the forefhead I can show you how to maximize the line smoothing effects with […]

Summer Stomach Skin Tightening

Summer Stomach Skin Tightening Stomach skin tightening treatments are effective and affordable. I’ve been doing these treatments for over 10 years.If you are active and you’re basically in good shape but you still don’t like the look of your tummy, this could be the game changer. Majority of people see a big improvement in 3 […]

The Right Season for C

The Season for C There are many nutrients that are important for skin health and beauty. vitamin C is one of them, as we all know. However, there’s a critical seasonal factor to wearing your vitamin C. Saskatchewan Summer skincare routines demand Vitamin C. We go hard. You have probably heard the expression “weekend warrior”. […]

Green Tea Serum Under Sunscreen

Green Tea Serum Under Sunscreen Beautiful weekend ahead! Here’s my secret tip to maximize your sun protection:Super easy – Wear a green tea serum as a base coat!Apply sunscreen over top.Studies have shown that green tea can make your sunscreen more effective!And remember, green tea is a big deal for anti-aging, anti-redness, anti-acne, and anti-sensitivity. […]

Far Infrared Sauna

Far Infrared (FIR) Sauna Perfect weather for the Far Infrared (FIR) Sauna! It’ll cheer you up when it’s cold and dreary. I’m not joking; the mood benefits of FIR are proven. Seasonal Affective Disorder, Winter Depression, just irritable because it’s so blah outside – FIR has improved mood benefits. It also reduces stress and improves […]

Fixing Pigment Irregularities at Home

Fixing Pigment Irregularities at Home Fixing Pigment Irregularities at Home In my more than 11 years of working in skincare, I’ve worked with a lot of women with uneven skin tone and irregular pigmentation. Almost always, this is a sign of sun damage. Maybe this Summer you were super careful. Maybe all of my harping […]

Fall Cold Laser Microderm

Fall Tune Up & Check In for Beautiful Skin Once you have the Kidlets nicely settled into the school routine and extracurricular routine, take a breath.Then take a minute to think about your beautiful face. Were you a little tough on it over the past few months? Maybe slept in your makeup from time to time? Maybe imbibed […]

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